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Labor Day Parade

Held annually on September 1st.  Labor Day is the holiday in which we recognize and celebrate the contribution of all America's workers to the growth and continued vitality of our Nation.




Ride United

A United Way fundraising event that Labor takes part in annually.  This event promotes healthy living, while offering a fun way to collect funding for the needs of the community.



Food Trucks

As a partner with Cooporating Churches, WMUL sponsors Food trucks throughout the year to help those in need.  Thousands of local families have been served by the hands of working men and women, and the donations received from fundraising events. 

Wild Game Dinner
Held annually in April - on Thursday before Easter - The proceeds from the past 9 years’ dinners have supported organized labor and our local community with hunter safety classes for youth and promotion of conservation, Community Food trucks, Angel Tree/Adoptions, Donations to the United Way, Veterans donations, our West Michigan United Labor Day Parade, event support for promotion of issues that affect union sportsmen and working families, and over $10,000 in donations to our “House of Labor” CIO Hall.
Day of Caring
Held annually to kick off campaigns -
Labor has had a big role in providing a helping hand in each Day of Caring Event.
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NALC Food Drive
Held annually  - This Stamp Out Hunger food drive has collected many thousands of pounds of food for local pantries with the help of Labor - collecting, unloading, sorting, reloading, and delivering the food!
Earth Day Clean Up
UAW 637 hosted Muskegon Lakes 1st Earth Day cleanup, which has been going strong now for 32 years!  Many tons of waste have been collected and properly disposed of over these 3 decades of hard work!
Salvation Army - Labor Rings the Bell 

Each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the Local Unions each take shifts to ring bells at many of the retail locations.  Annually they collectivly receive close to $2,000 to donate to the Salvation Army for families in need, and in 2014 had raised a whopping $3500.00!

Paying respect to our veterans is important to Labor, and it shows through our sponsorships and support.  Working families and our community are what we serve, and we will continue to serve until the needs are met.  We contribute where we can make positive impacts.
Angel Trees/Adopting Families
Every year, many of the local unions join together in an effort to adopt stuggling families for the holidays.  By purchasing gifts and food, they allow those families to have some of the nice things that many of us get to enjoy.
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